Al Gore Almost Got It Right

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A looming food crisis caused by climate change was the topic of an interview with Vice President Al Gore published in the Washington Post. The interview was conducted at a 2-day “The Climate Underground Conference” held at Mr. Gore’s farm last October. He is quoted as saying, “…the agriculture that we’ve always known cannot support human civilization as we know it.” Naomi Starkman, editor-in-chief of Civil Eats, added,”…agriculture, and farmers, in particular, are taking a front-and-central place in solving one of the most urgent issues of our time.”

Although food insecurity and regenerative agriculture were discussed at the conference, Mr. Gore seems focused on technology as the solution to the problems he articulates. He refers to the need to sequester carbon in the soil, and the utilization of soil carbon assessment technologies as the approach.

There is a much simpler methodology. Compost! Compost! Compost! An American society over 80% of urban needs to increase recycling and minimize organic waste being sent to landfills. The waste should be composted and returned to the soil. Agriculture emulating nature is the way to go. We do not need more technology.

It is small farms and urban agriculture that provides the solutions to the issues big ag will be unable or refuse to address. The way to make this happen is the establishment of a modern Homestead Act, similar in content to the Act of 1862, which laid the foundation for America to become the wealthiest agriculture producing region in the entire history of our world.

There is no culture without agriculture!

Rashid Nuri